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By HOA on 2014-02-05

Love is Flawed. Books are Perfect.

This Valentine’s Day, forget about wasting money on expensive chocolates, squeezing into starchy clothes, staining your teeth with red wine, leaning over a steak you don’t want, facing a person you’re not sure you even like — and all to avoid being alone on a holiday you don’t believe in anyway.

On this day that celebrates one of life’s greatest gifts, you deserve better. You’re the best kind of lover: a book lover. And this February we want you to fall into bed with a book that loves you back. Submit your stats to our gentle machine, and we’ll enter your name into a draw to win the most romantic weekend of your life.

Our big winner will:

  • keep ’em guessing. We will send a bouquet of your favourite flowers to your place of work for all your co-workers to see (with a card signed “Your secret admirer.” Natch.)
  • melt you into an absolute puddle thanks to a $100 gift certificate to
  • get set up with this good-looking bunch of eligible companions. (Everyone knows that passionate book lovers are polyamorous.)

All the Rage The Book for Dangerous Women Caught Hellgoing Liar

But really, everyone wins.

Even if you don’t get the big prize, we do have a special gift just for you. Watch your inbox on Valentine’s Day to collect. (It’s really good. We promise.)


Enter through Facebook. You can enter once per day until February 10th. We’ll contact our winner on February 11th, and everyone who enters gets their special something on Valentine’s Day.

Enter the contest

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