LGBTQ+ Stories

LGBTQ+ Stories

Celebrate and explore LGBTQ+ experiences in these vital reads.

17 Products

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Park Cruising

An intimate look at one of culture’s most enduring taboos: public sex.

NDN Coping Mechanisms

The follow-up collection from Griffin Poetry Prize–winning poet Billy-Ray Belcourt is a provocative, powerful, and genre-bending new work.

Back in the Land of the Living

A sexy, unforgettable story about love and longing in a time of chaos by Scotiabank Giller Prize–longlisted author Eva Crocker.

The Swells

In this darkly hilarious satire by the inimitable Will Aitken, class war erupts aboard a luxury cruise ship.

The Best Kind of People

From award-winning author Zoe Whittall comes The Best Kind of People, a stunning tour de force about the unravelling of an all-American family.

Barrelling Forward

Barrelling Forward is a brilliantly crafted debut collection set against the backdrop of the crashing oil economy in contemporary Newfoundland.

Trinity Street

Heartsick, reverent, irreverent, and quietly political, Trinity Street <\/em>is the much-anticipated fifth collection from acclaimed poet Jen Currin.<\/strong><\/p>


Junebat is a form- and gender-disrupting debut collection that grapples with the pain of uncertainty on the path towards becoming.

Museum of Bone and Water

A provocative investigation of the human body — our physical and spiritual museums of identity and desire.


Broughtupsy gives intersectionality a face, name, and head full of braids in this brilliant exploration of family, migration, queerness, and love.

All I Ask

All I Ask by the award-winning and highly acclaimed author Eva Crocker is a defining novel of a generation.


From award-winning playwright and filmmaker Jordan Tannahill comes a masterful novel in the tradition of Sheila Heti’s How Should a Person Be.