Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Be the first to add these highly anticipated books to your to-be-read pile.

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Sundays Are for Feasts

Will Yasmine’s hummus taste like the real thing — and impress Ammo Farouk?

The Pony and the Starling

A girl and her mother watch an unusual friendship develop between a solitary starling and a lonely pony.

Marcel with a Splash

Marcel was born with webbed toes and an extra chromosome in this tender exploration of a child’s life with Down syndrome.

The Rehearsal Club

A mystery spans decades at a New York boarding house for actresses in this story of sisterhood and following your dreams under marquee lights.


A rock remains true to itself when faced with a bullying seagull in this picture book from award-winning creators Laurel Croza and Matt James.

The One and Only Question

It's Zeke's first day at a new school and his head is filled with one question: what will he do when they call him the N-word like at his old school?

Shy Me

A shy young child talks about situations when shyness takes over and what helps them engage more fully. A companion to Angry Me and Peaceful Me.

Mrs. Nobody

Alice and Mrs. Nobody love getting up to no good — until they disagree on what to play next. Can Alice assert herself without losing her best friend?

My Book of Frogs and Toads

Leap into this stunning exploration of frogs and toads from around the world!

Sometimes I Eat with My Hands

I use a fork to eat my broccoli, and a spoon to scoop up deeelicious mac-and-cheese … but sometimes I eat with my hands!


From acclaimed picture-book artist Thao Lam comes a joyful celebration of an oft-maligned body part — the belly!

First Times: Short Stories about Sex

A balm for adolescent anxiety, this inclusive collection offers sometimes imperfect but always honest short stories of first sexual experiences.