

Full of metaphors, similes, alliteration and more, these books will introduce young readers to poetic devices and cultivate their love for poetry.

39 Products

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A Coyote Solstice Tale

Trickster Coyote experiences the pitfalls of excessive consumption in this comically irreverent solstice tale.

A Song for China

Celebrating the Yellow River Cantata, this is the riveting history of a young author and militant who used art to create a socially just China.

An Owl at Sea

The extraordinary, true story of an owl stranded on the deck of an oil rig one hundred miles from shore, and the Good Samaritans who shepherded it home.

Aquí era el paraíso / Here Was Paradise

A collection of poetry by one of the greatest Indigenous poets of the Americas about the vanished world of his childhood — that of the Maya K’iche’.

Arroz con leche / Rice Pudding

The second title of Jorge Argueta's popular bilingual Cooking Poems series, celebrates the joys of preparing, eating and sharing food.


A lyrical, beautifully illustrated poem about a baby’s birth.

Canadian Railroad Trilogy

A gorgeously illustrated version of one of Canada's iconic songs, Gordon Lightfoot's \"Canadian Railroad Trilogy.\"

Caravan to the North

An urgent and eloquent account of a boy traveling in a caravan from his beloved homeland of El Salvador to the US border.

Caravana al Norte

El relato de un niño viajando de El Salvador hacia los EE.UU. ilumina la realidad de los inmigrantes centroamericanos cuya única opción es abandonar su hogar.

Climbing Shadows

A collection of poems inspired by young children that address common themes such as having a hard day at school, feeling shy or being a newcomer.

Colors! / Colores!

Noted poet Jorge Lujan and South Africa's illustrious illustrator Piet Grobler team up to produce this exquisite celebration of color.

Explosion at the Poem Factory

This funny story, full of wordplay, brings poetry alive as never before!