Children's Course Adoption

8 Products

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Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox

Children’s love for animals and disguise come together in this award-winning introduction to the Anishinaabe tradition of totem animals.


Skim is a brilliant and poignant glimpse at the heartache of teen life in all its dramatic complexities.

A Coyote Columbus Story

A retelling of the Christopher Columbus story from an Indigenous point of view. Thomas King uses a bag of literary tricks to shatter stereotypes.

The Breadwinner

\"All girls [should read] The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis.\" — Malala Yousafzai, New York Times

Parfois je suis un renard

Dans cette introduction enjouée à la tradition anichinabée des animaux totems, de jeunes enfants expliquent pourquoi ils ou elles s’identifient à différents animaux tels que les cerfs, castors ou orignaux.

My Name Is Seepeetza

An honest look at life in an Indian residential school in the 1950s, and how one indomitable young spirit survived it — 30th anniversary edition.

Three Wishes

Deborah Ellis presents the stories of children of the war-torn Middle East, based on interviews with Israeli and Palestinian children.

Looks Like Daylight

Author Deborah Ellis travels across the continent, interviewing more than forty Native American kids and letting them tell their own stories.