Diana Athill and Alice Munro at IFOA
Last night’s International Festival of Authors (IFOA) event, “Too Much Happiness,” was truly a meeting of the minds. A fundraiser for PEN Canada, the sold-out event featured a conversation with celebrated editor and writer Diana Athill and CanLit legend Alice Munro. The two ladies got on like a house on fire, charming the crowd with their comfortable rapport and engaging stories. After the event, the two authors signed books for lucky fans (including super-acclaimed author Wayson Choy!) for over an hour. How do these incredible women do it?

Unable to make it to this fantastic event? Listen to a podcast version of the event, watch Diana’s interview with the Globe and Mail’s John Barber, read a quick review of Diana and Alice’s IFOA event, read a feature on Diana in the Toronto Star, see all of our photos from last night on Flickr, and be sure to check back here or follow us on Twitter for more photos and media coverage.