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NewsBusters targets the ALA and Skim’s “gay agenda”

SnowNewsBusters, a conservative American website launched by the Media Research Centre to “provide immediate exposure of liberal media bias,” has
spoken out against the American Library Association (ALA). In an article posted on January 5, 2010, NewsBusters accuses the ALA of being a “a liberal organization that relentlessly pursues a homosexual agenda.”

The first book NewsBusters uses as an example of ALA’s “gay agenda” is award-winning graphic novel Skim, by MARIKO TAMAKI and JILLIAN TAMAKI. Calling it a “pro-homosexual” book, NewsBusters attempts to build an argument against it and other books deemed as “authentic literature” by the ALA.

Hmm. So much controversy! I have to say I disagree strongly with NewsBusters — what do you think?


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