Accessible ebooks

Accessible ebooks

All of the ebooks in this collection meet Benetech's Global Certified Accessible standards and are accessible to anyone with print disabilities. Browse the collection here.

156 Products

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Caramba (French edition)

L’autrice et illustratrice de renommée mondiale Marie-Louise Gay nous présente un personnage attachant en Caramba, un chat timide et doux qui accepte courageusement sa différence, puis se découvre un talent spécial qui lui est propre.

Caravan to the North

An urgent and eloquent account of a boy traveling in a caravan from his beloved homeland of El Salvador to the US border.

Children of War

Deborah Ellis, author of the Breadwinner series, interviews Iraqi refugee children in this companion to Off to War: Voices of Soldiers’ Children.


This thought-provoking book in the Groundwork Guides series considers the enormous implications of the mass migration away from rural regions.

Clear Skies

As the US\/Soviet Space Race heats up in 1961, eleven-year-old Arno finds his dreams of becoming an astronomer exploding like an extragalactic supernova.

Climate Change Revised Edition

This authoritative book addresses the key questions surrounding the important issue of climate change, featuring the most recent scientific findings.

Cold White Sun

A story based on the real-life experiences of a young boy who was smuggled out of Ethiopia amid political unrest to start a new life in North America.

Covered Bridge

When the local covered bridge — home to a ghost and her lovelorn postman — is threatened by development, Hubbo O'Driscoll must find a way to save it.

Coyote Tales

Two laugh-out-loud Coyote trickster stories by award-winning author Thomas King.

Danny, Who Fell in a Hole

Danny finds himself stranded at the bottom of a giant construction hole, armed with nothing but his backpack, his wits, and a poetry-spouting mole …

Dead Man's Gold and Other Stories

Ten ghost stories dramatize the history of Chinese immigration to North America, from the gold rush of the late 1850s to the Cultural Revolution.

Dear Sylvia

The third in the highly praised Owen Skye series following The Secret Life of Owen Skye and After Silvia.