Starred Reviews

Starred Reviews

Vetted and praised by top reviewers, the books in this collection come highly recommended.

193 Products

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Burying the Moon

A beautifully illustrated novel in verse about a young Indian girl who tackles the taboos around sanitation in her village.


Calvin wakes up in hospital after a schizophrenic episode and decides to hike across frozen Lake Erie. A different coming-of-age story ...

Canadian Railroad Trilogy

A gorgeously illustrated version of one of Canada's iconic songs, Gordon Lightfoot's \"Canadian Railroad Trilogy.\"

Caramba and Henry

Caramba, the only cat in the world who can’t fly, is back in this funny, sweet story about love and acceptance between\nsiblings.

Caravan to the North

An urgent and eloquent account of a boy traveling in a caravan from his beloved homeland of El Salvador to the US border.

Caravana al Norte

El relato de un niño viajando de El Salvador hacia los EE.UU. ilumina la realidad de los inmigrantes centroamericanos cuya única opción es abandonar su hogar.

Catch Me If I Fall

Twins Ashleigh and Aiden have always promised to protect each other, but after an accident during a school trip, their world begins to unravel.<\/strong><\/p>

Cave Paintings

A young space traveler discovers art painted millennia before by a human being—just like him.

Children of War

Deborah Ellis, author of the Breadwinner series, interviews Iraqi refugee children in this companion to Off to War: Voices of Soldiers’ Children.

Cold White Sun

A story based on the real-life experiences of a young boy who was smuggled out of Ethiopia amid political unrest to start a new life in North America.

Cooking with Bear

This springtime companion to Bear's Winter Party combines fifteen kid-friendly recipes with a sweet story about friendship and food.

Dead Man's Gold and Other Stories

Ten ghost stories dramatize the history of Chinese immigration to North America, from the gold rush of the late 1850s to the Cultural Revolution.