Starred Reviews

Starred Reviews

Vetted and praised by top reviewers, the books in this collection come highly recommended.

151 Products

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A deeply felt, imaginative, beautifully illustrated story about what it's like to be the child of migrant farm workers.

Mistik Lake

A stunning novel about what happens when you don't follow your heart, and the lies and secret suffering that can continue to haunt you.

Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress

Morris is a little boy who loves using his imagination. But most of all, Morris loves his classroom’s dress-up center and its tangerine dress.

Moví la mano / I Moved My Hand

A simple but empowering poem about creating a world, told from a young child's perspective.

Mr. Frank

An elderly tailor sews the most wonderful outfit of his career — for a very special customer.

Mud City

A re-issue of Mud City, the third book in the bestselling Breadwinner series by Deborah Ellis. Includes a new cover and map, and an updated author's note.


Young Mustafa feels invisible in his adopted home until a girl extends a welcoming hand. From world-renowned author-illustrator Marie-Louise Gay.

My Book of Life by Angel

A stunning verse novel about a sixteen-year-old sex worker trying to survive in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside during the time of the Pickton murders.

My Name Is Parvana

In this stunning sequel to The Breadwinner Trilogy, Parvana, now fifteen, is held as a suspected terrorist by American troops in Afghanistan.


A sweet and silly book, perfect for any child who has ever said no to a nap.

nattiq and the Land of Statues

In this charming story that includes words in Inuktitut, a ringed seal returns to his Arctic home and tells his friends of his southern adventures.

Ne le fais pas

Dans ce livre ingénieux destiné aux plus petits amateurs d’animaux, des conseils de prudence, impossibles à suivre mais agréables à imaginer, sont suivis d’explications instructives.