A Newsletter for Teachers and Librarians!


We have teamed up with author, educator and children's book advocate extraordinaire Larry Swartz for a series of newsletters for teachers and librarians!


These newsletters are designed to provide educators, librarians and parents with strategies, tips and information to accompany our fiction and non-fiction Groundwood books. Each newsletter is on a single topic, theme or genre with a list of recommended titles that will encourage young readers to explore and engage with the theme. The series will include lots of great resources such as reading, writing, arts and media responses; a spotlight feature on a Groundwood author/illustrator; a curated book list with brief annotations; and additional links to the Groundwood website for more book information and/or teacher guides.


LARRY SWARTZ is an instructor at the Ontario Institute for Stud­ies in Education (OISE). As a classroom teacher, consultant, author and speaker, Larry has shared his enthusiasm and expertise with teachers, administrators, teacher-librarians and parents throughout Canada, the United States and Asia. He is the author of books that promote the use of children’s litera­ture to enrich learning and help grow readers. Some titles from Pem­broke Publishers include Teaching Tough Topics, Better Reading Now, and Deepening In-class and Online Learning.