Stories from Canada

Stories from Canada

These books by Canadian creators celebrate the country we live in.

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nattiq and the Land of Statues

In this charming story that includes words in Inuktitut, a ringed seal returns to his Arctic home and tells his friends of his southern adventures.

ninitohtênân / We Listen

The third book in the Nôhkom series, in Cree and English, tells a story about gathering leaves for Labrador tea, while listening in different ways.

nipêhon / I Wait

A quiet, gentle story about a family working together in the Cree tradition.

niwîcihâw / I Help

A simple and beautifully illustrated story in Cree and English about a young child picking rosehips in the woods with his grandmother.

niwîcihâw / Moi, j'aide

Cette histoire simple, en cri et en français, explore la relation entre un jeune enfant et sa grand-mère lors d’une marche qu’ils font ensemble dans le bois pour cueillir des fruits d’églantier.

Northwest Passage

A stunning pictorial representation of the search for the Northwest Passage as seen by painter Matt James, inspired by Stan Rogers’ iconic song.

Once in a Blue Moon

A book that will inspire readers to connect more deeply with the natural world.

Once Upon a Northern Night

An exquisite lullaby describes the beauty of a northern winter night.

Pebbles to the Sea

Two children feel adrift between the separate worlds of their parents, until their close-knit coastal community helps to anchor them.

Say Yes and Keep Smiling

In the sequel to Suck it In and Smile, Ellie is wrestling her life under control — but how long can she keep it together, and does she even want to?


A gently moving and poetic account of a child who finds solace all around her even though she is on the verge of great loss.

Skating Wild on an Inland Sea

Let’s go! Experience the magic of skating on wild ice in this story-poem by Jean E. Pendziwol, with breathtaking illustrations by Todd Stewart.