Stories from Canada

Stories from Canada

These books by Canadian creators celebrate the country we live in.

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Small in the City

The first picture book that award-winning Sydney Smith has both written and illustrated is about feeling small in the city and finding your way home.

Sometimes I Feel Like a River

Following the huge success of Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox, this companion book is a lyrical celebration of our relationship to the natural world.

Sometimes I Feel Like an Oak

Following the success of Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox<\/em> and Sometimes I Feel Like a River<\/em>, this companion book explores the nature and beauty of trees.<\/strong><\/p>

Suck It in and Smile

A funny, touching look at the life of a social media influencer who starts to question the #goals life she has created for herself.

Taming Papa

Mélie doesn’t know how to relate to her father, a political prisoner whom she has never met, when he is released and joins her family in Montreal.<\/strong><\/p>

The Art Room

The Art Room delights readers with a glimpse into the world of artistic expression, fun and freedom that artist Emily Carr created for her students.

The Slippers' Keeper

The moving story of Joe Purdon, one of North America’s early conservationists.

The Tufted Puffins of Triangle Island

Thousands of beautiful tufted puffins arrive each spring to lay their eggs on the remote and rugged Triangle Island, a rare and protected habitat.<\/strong><\/p>

This One Summer

A unique story of friendship from the creators of the award-winning graphic novel Skim.

Town Is by the Sea

In a small mining town, a young boy enjoys a summer day, but his thoughts constantly return to his father, who is digging for coal deep under the sea.


A lively look at the journey of a West Coast tugboat towing a log boom, as seen through the eyes of a young boy.<\/strong><\/p>

Viola Desmond Won't Be Budged!

A picture-book biography of Viola Desmond, Canada’s Rosa Parks, who was arrested for refusing to sit in the segregated section of a movie theater.